
Au Natural

Au Natural-- all natural.

About a week ago I decided to try something new. I was not going to wear any face makeup for a week.
At first it was all because i wanted to clear out my pores and just give my skin a rest.

It worked great.

But then it turned into something more for me, I realized how good it felt to take off the mask I put on everyday, and actually be who I was. Everyday we put on a different mask in areas of our lives. We go to the tanning bed to be a different skin tone, we color our hair to make it look ?, then we put on makeup to make our faces look like a mannequin, or we change our face all together, we go to the gym to contour our body a certain way, or go to surgeon for a quicker answer,  we buy nice clothes to make ourselves appear a certain way, and the list goes on and on. Where does it stop being fake and where does it start being real again?
I decided to take on the challenge to be as true to myself as I could be. No more masks, no more being someone who I wasn't. Because if the outside is fake and thats the lifestyle going on out there, how could the inside possibly be real. Or perhaps we replicate whats inside us. I cant decide if the outside mimics the inside, or if the inside mimics the outside. Maybe a combo of both.

                                                 This was challenging.

   As far as how long this will last, or in what areas I will make the change, Im not exactly positive, but as
       for now I am starting with my face in hope of the idea stretching into every corner of my life.

Gros Bisous-

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