
Hope in Disaster: Turks & Caicos

       Upon recent travels in the Caribbean, an island of choice was Turks & Caicos.
At first glance the island is beautiful. Water is crystal clear, turquoise, and soft. The sand was as white as snow and the weather was warmer then imaginable.
I started my day on the side any newcomer would. the side where it is beautiful and pristine. .
to say the least it was..

            However, the day continued in a taxi ride with a driver named Dan who showed us a whole other side to this vacationer's paradise. On the other side of the island was the reality of what the people of Turks and Caicos live with. A hurricane passed through in 2008 and the remains of the destruction are still there.
the side of the island no one ever sees.. 

  It was devastating to hear that the people of Turks & Caicos are still living way below the poverty line and struggle to make ends. Dan (our driver) was telling us that most parents send their children to the U.S in order to have a better chance to do well in life. Dan's two boys are students at colleges in the U.S currently. 
   Dan was telling us however though that the people of Turks & Caicos live in peace. He said the crime rate is so low that the island rarely use the police. Driving through the town, we noticed that there were numerous churches around. Dan continued to say that 95% of the people attend church, whether it is baptist, methodist or catholic. It was encouraging to know that even though the people live in poverty and are still picking up from the disaster, still have hope and peace in their lives.

[ even though everything around us may be destroyed, we can still have peace in Him]



1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful story. Phil and I are headed to "Turks and Caicos" on Saturday! I'll go with a different perspective!
