
Un Nouveau Moi (Detox) (Yoga) (Exotic Himalayan Salt Baths)

 "A New Me" starts with a few changes. A change in emotions, a change inside and a change on the outside. A full regeneration from the inside out.
Here is what I am doing...

❃Detox(change inside)
what: an organic diet plan that consists of eating an apple before each meal, snacking on a pound of carrots, eating salads, vegetables, fruits, and beans. It is paired with a cleansing tea in which a gallon is consumed a day.
purpose: to clean the liver and body of all acids and toxins to become more balanced.

❃Yoga(change in emotions)
what: twice a day of thirty minutes, where it is quiet and alone. soft music to relax.
purpose: to bring balance to the mind and soul. to be quiet and truly listen to whats inside. spiritually, emotionally and mentally.

❃Exotic Himalayan Salt Baths(change outside)
what: two baths a day soaking for 30 minutes in organic, cleansing salts.
purpose: to clean and purify the skin, to make it more radiant. also to relax the body.

                This is all about relaxation, balance and coming back to a neutral state.
so cheers to a new start 


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