
Cuisine Francaise- Cafe Bastille SF

So a favorite of mine,  actually my favorite french restaurant in San Francisco.
                                                                                                                 Cafe Bastille
   It sits on the quaint Belden Lane, a few blocks from union square. This lane resembles a typical french street in Paris where the restaurants are packed in, and the choice of seating is outside.
The minute you step inside, its almost as if you have entered another world. For me, I love to walk in and use my french to order the food(its part of being french, always wanting to use the language whenever possible).

       My favorite seating is upstairs, to the left where you can see the bar, the restaurant, outdoors; (and in the kitchen, which is my favorite).  The restaurant has so much to look at you probably should not bring a date.

When it comes to ordering, if I'm feeling like I can handle the extra calories, which is always when I am there, I start with the fries. Let me warn you, these are not any ordinary fries! The fries come out always hot, and are served with this sauce. IF YOU DO NOT USE THE SAUCE, YOU ARE A FOOL. Its a light, white, mustardy, tasty sauce. I cannot even describe it, but other then ask for extra and load it on.

My next favorite part of the meal is the mussels. I order them every single time, and there is a reason.
First of all the price is ridiculously cheap for the amount you receive.
Second, the mussels are so stinking good. I order them mariniere style because the sauce is light, yet rich at the same time, a perfect balance.
Third, it comes with the toast of the year, and I do mean this is the best thing since sliced bread.

To finish the night off, go straight to the desert menu. and by straight, I mean do not even look at anything else but the crepe with nutella. I could personally eat three of them, but I know my behind could never handle that much, so I order one and be disciplined. It is drizzled with hot nutella and topped with sliced strawberries.

                    Overall this is my favorite place to eat at because it brings me back to my roots. Crepes that remind me of my mom when she would cook them, the atmosphere which reminds of my vacations in Paris, and excellent cooking which has always been a tradition of the French.
                                                     Bon Apetite!

Gros Bisous-

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