
Island Time (St. John) (U.S.V.I)

St. John. WOW. breathtaking. AMAZING.

This was unlike anything I had experienced.
The island was so beautiful, but the water was captivating on a whole other level.

I spent most of the time laying down on the downy soft sand. The sand was white and felt like feathers.

The entire day was devoted to relaxing and not doing a single thing.
On the island they had a saying "Island Time" which meant nothing was on time, no one had a schedule, and everyone was in a constant
relax mode. I can understand this living on an island like this one. How could anyone ever have a schedule when everything around you is so peaceful.
Sometimes I wonder if that is why Americans feel so stressed and rushed in life, if its because of not being in a peaceful area. Eh probably not. (I wish that was the excuse)

So I spent the rest of my day, in the mindset of Island Time. I wish I could do that all the time.

Gros bisous..

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