
U.S.V.I St. Thomas

St. Thomas.
One of the most beautiful islands I have ever been too. It was surreal in every aspect. The ocean. The city. The luscious greenery.

The island was filled with green and blue everywhere. You had only two colors to pick from. The water was crystal clear.

When getting there, we found that the most important place to start the day was out on the water..

But before arriving on the water, there were a few characters to meet.

       The character I loved most was the iguana. There were over 20 different species of rock and water iguanas. When arriving, they were all over the rocks that laid over the edge of the ocean. and I mean everywhere. However, one had to be careful not to get to close, because these iguanas are notorious for mistaking toenails for berries.
In the U.S, there are dead squirrels all over the roads, in St. Thomas there are dead iguanas.

We took the local buss across the island, and got
a taste for what the true island was like. Its interesting when you
get past the main coast and ports, you start to really see the true side of the island that most people won't
venture off to.
Sure enough there were many americans on the island who had transfered there for school, pleasure, or business. Overall we had a taste of the island on a few accounts, and left with this great memory.

Gros bisous..

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