
Cuisine de la Maison: Baked Salmon

Baked Salmon, grilled polenta with roquefort cheese, and fresh strawberries

                Today at the house I made a baked salmon with a mango marinade, with grilled polenta with crumbles of roquefort blue cheese. This may be one of my new favorite dishes.

For the salmon, always buy wild, never farmed. The farmed salmon has many added 
preservatives, and when you are at the market, you can just tell the difference in color
between wild and farmed.

I baked it at 350, with a special mango marinade, which I will not tell the ingredients. 
At around 30 minutes the salmon was done. For the polenta, I used organic polenta from Whole foods,
grilled it over the pan, and when being near to done, added the roquefort cheese on top to melt. 
A very simple 30 minute meal.

Fresh strawberries, Pellegrino to add, and a simple salad. Absolutely the best . 
Bon Appetit

Gros bisous-

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