
VEGAN. and why

You are what you eat.
"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food" 

This blog will be unlike any other blog I have ever done. 
It will be constructed around the notion that facts, data, science, experiments,
and proof are good enough and hold true. .  not merely opinion.
These are facts.
These are tests done.
These are real life data.
WHAT you choose to do with the information
is up to you.
This will be lengthy, but I believe that knowledge is power
and informing yourself is important in order to become
a critical thinker of our world around us.
The topic:

I am not going to spend time discussing:
Government "sins" in food
FDA's lack of research
Doctor's lack of training in nutrition
Animal cruelty
money scandals
& etc.

Why not? 
because at the end of the day we can argue the wrongs but
 the most important thing is what 
YOU CHOOSE to put in your mouth 
not what OTHERS did and circumstances
surrounding the topic of "food"

What I will be discussing:
the effects of meat, dairy, eggs, chicken,
poultry, seafood, etc. YOU get it.

My sources of information:

"Skinny Bitch" by Rory & Kim
(disclaimer: everything from these books
are backed by data and numerous tests
and research, dont believe me?
inform yourself and look at the data)

Now that I have made it clear I am not simply giving out opinion or thoughts, and
that this information is scientifically proven, Id hope those who are reading
will read with an open mind knowing that we have been CONDITIONED to
believe certain things about protein and animals products.
If you are not reading with an open perspective,
 just stop now.

Personal testimony:
I spent my entire life eating butter. BUTTER BUTTER BUTTER.
cheese, blue cheese, pate, milk, refined sugar, red meat, brown meat,
chicken, eggs, seafood, crab, pork, bacon. But with this i also consumed
hormones, growth hormones, carcinigens, chemicals, hydrocholic acid.. 
You get the idea.
I am french and by nature those things do taste good on my tongue. 
I never knew what it was I was actually consuming, i was always told we needed
milk to grow. i was told we need protein as 70% of our diet. I was told I
needed to eat eat eat meat.
It was not until this past three months where i COULD no longer deny
the research and data and I WISH someone would of said something earlier
before i continued in damaging my body.
I was continually surrounded by people who mentioned the
 "notion of eating vegan"
but i wasnt ready to give up what i love.
Ironically enough, i have never felt good physically.
My most common symptoms:
constant hunger
acidic stomach
trouble waking up
lack of energy
afternoon drop
I couldnt ignore that my symptoms had to have
a direct correlation with what it was
i was putting in my mouth.
You are what you eat.
THIS is what Urged me to 
embark on a journey
that I knew was not the easiest path but 
the most rewarding.

the biggest reward:
Feeling good and healthy

The next few sections will be short
passages or summaries from the book
"Skinny Bitch" for there is no need
for me to re write a New York bestseller.

It will be snip its of information. The sections
I chose will be related to diet and health 
and will then be back with more information in the book.
YOU have to do the rest of the reading if you care.
But do not respond with "you dont have the whole story
or wheres the backing"
the backing is in the book and resources mentioned 
for data, things cant always be handed on a 
silver platter.

Here we go

"This is not a diet, this is a way of eating"

Sugars & Coffee
"soda's high levels of phosphorous can increase calcium loss from the body, as it can its sodium and caffein" chp1

"aspartame, found usually in diet sodas, has been blamed for a slew of scary maladies like arthritis, birth defects, fibromyalgia, alzheimers, lupis, multiple sclerosis and diabetes" chp 1

"Think about how widely accepted it has become that people need coffee to wake up. You should not need anything to wake up" chp 1

"Caffeine can cause headaches, digestive issues, peptic ulcers, diarrhea, fatigue, anxiety, weight gain, and depression. Its highly acidic." chp 1

"Refined sugar, a simple carbohydrate, has been linked to hypoglycemia, yeast overgrowth, weakened immune system, enlargement of the livers/kidneys, dental cavities.." chp 3

"According to studies conducted by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, diabetes and obesity is directly linked to eating refined sugar and high fructose sugar" chp 3

"When aspartame was put before the FDA for approval it was denied 8 times." chp 3
"Neuroscientist Dr John Oley and researcher Ann Reynolds reported that aspartame was dangerous"

"Nutrasweet/Equal contain aspartame, when ingested one of aspartame's ingredients methyl alcohol converts into formaldehyde, a deadly neurotoxin. In addition to aspartame, Equal contains the amino acid phenylalanine, which your brain already makes. high levels of the amino acid can cause seizures and lead to schizophrenia."



"Americans eat twice as much protein necessary, which has sent obesity, heart disease, and cancer rates soaring over the past fifty years. 
When you eat large amounts of animal protein and saturated fats and do not eat whole grains vegetables, and fresh fruits, there is no fiber to bind all of the toxins and fat together to be eliminated from your body. You will eventually do an incredible amount of HARM to yourself."  Chp 4

"In a case of study involving 1500 patients with diabetes, most had lost more than half of their kidney function because of a high intake of animal protein."

"Half of all the antibiotics made in the U.S each year are administered to farm animals, causing antibiotic resistance in humans who eat them. A study at UC Berkeley linked eating beef to urinary tract infections(UTIs) in women. It just so happens that the most common infectious disease in women is UTIs. 
YOU do the math." chp 4

"list of whats in meat, poultry, seafood, and dairy:
benzene hexachloride, chlordane, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane(DDT),
dieldrin, dioxin, heptachlor, hexachlorobenzene, and lindane.
 PERHAPS, thats why eating "meat"
has been linked to obesity, cancer, liver, kidney, lung, and reproductive disorders, birth defects, miscarriages, and now nervous systems disorders."

"David Steinman reports that of all the toxic chemicals found in food, 
95-99%  come from MEAT FISH DAIRY EGGS.
He also reveals that many of the tests performed dont even detect many chemicals
and pesticides. The FDA's own Total Diet Study found that:
bacon has 48 different pesticide residues
bologna/lunch meat: 102 industrial pollutants/pests
fast food hamburgers: 113
hot dogs: 123
ground beef: 82

Everytime you consume factory farmed chicken, beef, veal, pork, eggs, or dairy
you are eating antibiotics, pesticides, steroids, and hormones. 

"The FDA approves about 1700 drugs in use for animal feed. Of these approved drugs,
300 include weigh gain in their description."

"present in fish/seafood are high levels of mercury and PCBs, which are well
absorbed by the body, these chemicals can cause neurotoxicity which impairs
a person's mental state and ability.

"Mercury, a suspected carcinogen can alter IMMUNE FUNCTION, 
increase the chance of cardiac mortality and is known to reduce fertility and virility.
it can also inflict permanent brain damage on fetuses, infants and children.

Appetizing much?

now milk..
Mammals need the enzyme lactase to digest lactose.
However between the ages of 18 months-4 yrs we lose 90-95% of this enzyme.
The undigested lactose and the acidic nature of pasteurized milk encourage
the growth of bacteria in our intestines. All this contributes to a
because cancer cells thrive in acidic condition.

Got mucus? Dairy products produce mucus and often the body will
develop a cold to fight the dairy invasion. Mother Nature is no fool. All species, including ours have just what we need to get by. She did not intend for grownups to suck 
We dont need our mothers milk as adults just like
grown cows dont need their mothers milk anymore.
We ARE the only species on the planet that drinks
We are also the ONLY species on the planet that 
drinks the milk of another species.
We could be putting gorilla milk or zebra milk on our cereal
why cows? because its the animal that produces the largest amount 
of milk? no elephants do! but we dont house them because of cost.

Dairy products have been linked to a host of other problems as well:
acne anemia anxiety arthritis ADD fibromyalgia headaches
heartburn indigestion IBS joint pain osteoporosis allergies ear infections
colic obesity heart disease diabetes autism Crohns prostate cancer ovarian cancer

believe it yet?

MIlk is not a reliable source of minerals, you get much higher levels of manganese,
chromium, selenium, and magnesium from fruits/vegetables. They are
also high in boron which helps lessen the loss of calcium in urination. 

Research shows that supplements do not make a difference in preventing or 
treating osteoporosis. 

Remember milk is designed to fatten up baby cows.
do you really believe it can be fat free? 

Too much protein, especially animal protein, can impair our kidneys,
leach calcium, zinc, vit B, iron, and magnesium from our bodies, cause
osteoporosis, heart disease, cancer, and protein.
Remember people in other cultures 
consume HALF the amount of protein then we do

Ive set out to show you guys a part
of the research and studies done 
so that the information was more
easily attained.
Inspiration from Forks over Knifes documentary
which was then very close to the information in 
Skinny Bitch which i used for written documentation.

What I have chosen to do with the information:
eat a plant based diet
remove animal products
eat organic
spend money on food rather then medical bills
remove refined/processed foods

I hope this is a more thorough response to 
that which was on facebook.
i urge you to do your own research.
Educate yourself.
Understand the consequences.

"To repeat what others have said, requires education;
to challenge it require brains."
-Mary Poole

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